Thursday, November 10, 2011

Late December 1943 - A Letter From Ellen Upton Hall - Part Two

Ellen's letter continues...

Letter - Page 3

"I got a pretty Christmas card and very nice letter from Mrs. Haach yesterday.  I really must write to Pat.  I've been slow about it.

Something awful happened the other day.  The wife of one of the fellows in Grover's outfit was burned to death.   Sunday morning she was standing in front of the open fire dressing and her clothes caught on fire.  Instead of trying to put the fire out she ran downstairs to her husband.  That was 6 o'clock Sunday and she lived until Monday morning at 10.  I saw her at a ballgame one night - she was a cute little thing.  Her and Nichols had only been married the latter part of Sept.  I feel sorry for him. 

31 December 1943

I had to go to work when I got this far yesterday.  I got yours and Mother's letters yesterday.  We were so..."

Letter - Page 4

"...disappointed that our package never got there in time.I mailed it the 10th. same time as I mailed Mother B.'s and she got hers the 20th.  I sure hope you have it by now - if you haven't let me know for I kept the insurance receipt.

Ellen Upton and Grover C. Hall II - 1943

It isn't seven o'clock yet and I'm all huddled up in front of the fireplace for it is might cold here of a morning.  Grover has been gone nearly half an hour.  He sure is working long hours.  He has been working nearly every night and doesn't get home until 8:30 or 9:30 (buses her only run every hour).  He is getting so terribly tired looking.  He is afraid his outfit is going overseas this spring sometime and it scares me to death.  If he has to go over I will be absolutely lost.

Well, Sis, am most out of paper so will sign off for now.  Write soon.


P.S. Sure wish Grover & I could have been with you (for) Christmas.  Hope you get our presents soon."

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