Friday, September 25, 2009

Roadtrip to the Wright Observatory

Last Sunday (09-20-09) a couple of buddies and I went on a little road trip. I guess I better back up a little bit and say the trip happened because I had gotten a new car the weekend before. Yes, the Red Rocket is no longer my means of conveyance. I am now the proud owner of a 2002 Buick Le Sabre that I bought from a friend of dad. It is beautiful and I love it.

My two friends are John and Rodney. Rodney works for Eugene Sand and Gravel and spent the whole summer working on Hwy 242 so he made a great tour guide. John and I had a lot of fun mentioning what a terrible job the road crew did about every five minutes just to upset Rodney.It was an absolutely perfect morning. Our first stop was Proxy Falls.

What is so weird about Proxy falls is that there is no stream at the bottom. It just dies into this semi-stagnant pool. There is obviously some sort of fissure or lava tube under the pond . I've never seen anything like it.

Our next stop was in the lava flows. What an alien landscape. Sharp too!!


  1. Okay I have to admit the beard is not bad. Although your nephew and youngest niece didn't recognize you. HeHeHe

  2. The beard looks good in person, I can vouch for that! Thanks for the great pictures Rob. Proxy Falls looks beautiful. Once again, another Oreogn Summer has passed and I never made it up into the mountains. How does that happen......


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