Sunday, July 26, 2009

Garden Update - Part 2

Well, I am wrapping up my 1 week vacation and since it was a "staycation" all I have to show is garden pictures. I last posted pictures on June 21st - what a difference a month makes. The tomatoes have now climbed through the top of the cages and are taller than I am. They have all set tomatoes, but I am still a ways from anything ripening. The squash have loved the heat of the last 3 weeks and are crawling everywhere. I have Buttercup set now, but no Delicata or Butternut yet. The sunflowers are just opening. Unfortunately they didn't reach the 6-10' feet promised on the seed packet. At 5+ feet they are just a bit shorter than the tomatoes.

Down in the big garden thing are a bit behind last year. The Cosmos I started from seed have just begun to bloom and the bush beans are just beginning to bloom too. My first 2 dahlias of the year opened this week. Pictured below is "Weston Miss" a miniture semi-cactus.


  1. Our garden was doing well, but we have had a definite lack of heat. We have 3 little watermelon that are so cute. The pumpkins are going great (8 so far biggest about the size of a soccer ball). We were growing popcorn and Tom was excited as some of them were over his head. They had tasseled and the ears were growing, when this am I went out and something (deer?) as mowed the stalks of all but a few down to 3 in stumps. We are so disappointed.

  2. That's a heartbreaking story about your popcorn. That would have been so cool to harvest and share with the kids. We have your heat - it's 106 today, suppose to be 102 tomorrow. The squash and tomatoes are loving it, I am melting!Thank god for air conditioning in the new house.


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