Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Accident - Summer 1942 - A Letter from the Dorseys - Part 3

Letter - Page 5

"We haven't done a thing to our upstairs since you were here.  Needless to day, Ike hasn't time for any work around the house, and we haven't needed the room.  The housing situation is so serious that if we could put in another bathroom, I'd be tempted to have roomers.  We could easily put four upstairs, but that's out of the question for now.  Was Bert Johnson here when I wrote you?  He stayed here for two months, until he got acquainted a little (He was here last night, to tell us he had received his A-1 army rating and expected to be leaving before long.  However, he hasn't had his physical exam, and may be rejected because of his hay fever).  We got a new lawn in the back, and enjoy having that nice fenced-in backyard.  Next year we'll do the front.  I for new blue curtains for the dining room, and slip-covered the dining room chairs with blue flowered cretonne.  Otherwise we haven't made any changes inside.  We got a second-hand piano last month, and I thoroughly enjoy that.

Just before the bicycle situation got bad, we for ourselves second-hand bikes.  Ike made a little wooden cushioned seat for Jimmie, which bolts on the back of either bike (on the tandem).  It has a safety belt, and we surely use it a lot.  Ike doesn't ride a lot, since his hours have been long, but Jimmie and I certainly go places.  I do all my marketing that..."      

Letter - Page 6

"...way - you'd be surprised how much you can carry in two carrying bags hung over the handlebars.  Jimmie is growing up so fast.  He talks almost all the time, until sometimes I wish he'd run out of questions.  He's out now in his bathing trunks, while our neighbor turns her hose on him.  I wish he had our old Wolfie dog for a pal, but her really have no place for him, and I'm sure Ike's folks need him for company.  The white woolie dog you have him on his first Christmas is still a favorite companion.  Today he wanted to give him a bath, but that toy has never been the same since Jimmie dunked him in the water a couple of years ago.  He's minus both eyes now, which doesn't make him any less dear.

I wish we could see Barbie now.  Is she still a beauty, as she was when we saw her last?  Come up if you have a chance, anytime.

Love, Charlotte"   

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