Saturday, August 29, 2009

Kristi is 40!

Kristi ,
We all wish you the happiest of birthdays! Lexa and I came up with the following pictorial montage to commemorate the day of your birth. Enjoy!

September 1969 - Kristi home from hospital with Cam and Connie

Lexa and Kristi 1970

Christmas 1972

June 1981

May 1985
March 1986 - Mazatlan, Mexico

December 1986
June 1987 - High School Graduation

December 1996 - Christmas

Graduation 2009


  1. Thanks ladies (I think). Kierstyn is getting a big chuckle out of my big hair. I'd forgotten about the togas. Lots of memories. Thanks again.

  2. Dear Kristi, I hope that you have a wonderful day. The pictures brought back a lot of great memories. This family wishes you were much closer. I would love to eat some of your birthday cake. (Not make it though!) Lots of love, Auntie Dearest

  3. Happy Birthday. Man, those are two good lookin' teens in their togas! Yikes, I had forgotten all about the Churchill Toga dances too.

  4. Hey Kristi
    I'm just a slow cousin that's all!! Happy late birthday!! I hope you really celebrated!!What's wrong with the big hair, it looks lovely!!Stacie


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