Friday, April 1, 2011

Summer 1942 - The Accident - A Letter from Aunt Olivia

The Wanings received a long, newsy letter from Margaret's aunt, Olivia Upton Adams.  In the summer of 1942 the themes are health (poor), forest fires, and omnipresent World War II. I wonder how Margaret felt reading about the health troubles of so many others, when her own husband was seriously injured! 

Envelope - Note address:
Margaret had moved into town so as to be able to visit the hospital daily.

What I do think is great, and ironic; is that almost 70 years ago, Olivia and George Adams ate locally and seasonally - fish and peas and potatoes and blackberries - and kept a few chickens. All things we aspire to do now. They'd be right at home as members of the Eugene Friendly Neighborhood Farmers!

Letter - Page 1

"Newport, Ore
July 7th 1942

Dear Margaret, Jim & Barbie: -

Just received your card at noon, sorry to hear Jim had such an accident but glad he is getting along so well, we hope he will continue and soon be convalescencing(sic).  Uncle George says tell you & Jim to come over for a while as soon as Jim can travel.  Its quiet here and we are having a lovely summer, not to(sic) much wind.  been(sic) pretty hot days - one last week, yesterday P.M. & this P.M.  We have had so much rain this spring & early summer being to think we would have no summer but now everyone is on the elert(sic) for fires in the woods, they have all ready found dozens of calling cards, - they call them.

Yesterday we picked & canned 10 qts of Peas, and I washed today while Uncle went to town, he walked today first in a long time, he had a very bad spell right after June 1st was in bed two weeks so U was doctor & nurse both.  he(sic) is not at all good yet, but he has high blood pressure badly besides his other troubles.

Every letter I received from the east tell of so many changes and all working seven days a week.  So many of our distant cousins gone to war.  Did Jim's people hear from his cousin that was in Philipines?(sic)1  some(sic) boys from here were lost there & in Hawaiian islands.  This war is sure going heavy & swift just now.

My radio went out & down the last of May the night the radio..."

Letter - Page 2

"stations were blacked out the air.  So now I have a new radio made by General Electric.  we(sic) like it fine.

Uncle Geo is going to a neighbor mans funeral tomorrow.  he(sic) passed out in his sleep of heart trouble.  he(sic) had had a bad spell the P.M. before & Dr had brought him out & tho't(sic) he was O.K.  but her have such poor Dr here.

You remember Mr Inman the people that lived in the tent when you first came over.  He passed out one evening after supper last April.  he had worked at the mill in Toledo all day & for nine years now.  He had one heart attact(sic) after another , Couldent(sic) find the Dr in time to save him.

The Corbins have sold their home here and bought in Salem, their son was in England last I heard.

I am getting supper & trying to write this if I get some fish, peas & potatoes mixed in with this you will know why.  Uncle is out picking blackberries, a pint at a time.  he has some little bantem(sic) chicks, what a kick he gets out of their ways of learning to grow up.  I think they are going to be mostly roosters.  Supper over, dishes washed and a look see at the garden, while out an army bommer(sic) went over & followed the Hiway so low, that surely he would mix in the wires.  We are wondering how big baby2 is now & does she talk.  I have her picture on the stand so we can see her.

We will be anxious to hear how Jim progresses & will look for a card from you once in a while.  We appreciate you letting us know about his accident & are hoping for his speady(sic) recovery.

Love to all Olivia"

1 Probably Jim's maternal cousin, Waldo Caufield 
2 Barbara  

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