Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Summer 1942 - The Accident - A Letter from Janet Waning

In July James received a note from his mother, Janet McAdam Waning.
In her usual "waste not - want not" fashion she is reusing a note for Proctor and Gamble and her stationery.


Note - Front

"Good morning - It's cloudy out here and Billy1 can't mow - too damp & grain won't roll-off the wind rower - Billy gave KEnny $1.00 a day, 3 days - Hay is quite good quality. The boys came & are at work bunching - $4.00 per 8 hrs - Newman2 went down to see if he could get Loris to cut the south field - So Ma has some hayers to cook for but no worse than last wk with the two breakfasts - Our cream supply is slim now - but will have two cows freshen 2nd wk or before in Aug - Pet and Ginger give us plenty for table yet but will tell cream man not to come Thurs - Hens do pretty good - will have about 72 doz - or 21/2 cases today - 33 last Mon - and..." 

Note - Reverse

"...that keeps the amt up - less dozens more per doz - Huelett was up & looked at calves but Billy tho't he wasn't paying enough - 6c for the cow & 8 for the calves - Huelett buys for Blue Bird Co. - Clair Williams family have moved to Salem or where ever he is working - The old school house is a thing of the past - Has been sold & torn down - Lew M said $150 - I don't know who to - Hosticks are all gone - & house rented - not the shop...News up to the minute .  Letter from Soph3 - about same there - no world if Robt4 got out - said she hadn't heard a word. Mac5 is O.K. - Heaps of love to you all - Ma -"

1 Billy - Janet's husband Willard Lowe Waning
2 Newman Hall - Billy's partner
3 Widowed sister-in-law Sophie Ingvalson McAdam 
4 Guessing that she is speaking of her nephew Robert McAdam - letter from his sister indicates that all is not well (in jail?)
5 Janet's brother - Matthew (Mac) McAdam

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