Thursday, December 1, 2011

Jacob and Jane Grim - Oregon - Donation Land Claim - 1853 - Part 2

Here are further documents in the Donation Land Claim packet for Jacob and Jane Grim.

This page includes the "Form of Settler's Oath" whereby Jacob Grim vowed that he was a claimant of Public Land acting for himself and no one else.

It also includes testimony from witness Nelson Cowley who said that Jacob and Jane Grim had resided on their property from October 1852 to October 1855.

The above page includes a 2nd avowal from Daniel Grim, this one dated October 1855.  Nelson Cowley weighed in a 2nd time too - this one also dated October 1855.

In October 1855 Jacob Grim states that he is a native U.S. citizen and that he was born in Virginia in 1808.  While I agree with his birth year, in every census record (1850, 1860, and 1870) he states that he was born in Pennsylvania not Virginia.  I have reason to believe that Jane Plant Binley's father William was born in Virginia, but not Jacob Grim.  This document also states that he married Jane Grim (no maiden name) in 1832 (and not the exact date - isn't that just like a man!) which is correct.  Virginia though...that's a mystery!

The final page recapitulates the land description for the 306.66 acres in question.  I think the most interesting thing is the note at the bottom on the page "marriage proof wanted written to Grim Feb 18 1874".  While we don't know what, if anything Jacob provided, Holmes County, Ohio did have a record of the marriage which he could have accessed.

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