Thursday, August 25, 2011

February 1943 - A Letter From June - Part Two

June Gantenbein Suckow's letter continues...
Letter - Page 4

"...Lots of people commute - there is good bus service now.  I was going to say something else but Milton had something to say and he said it, so I forgot.  I'll remember by the time you come to Portland maybe.

Gee, I could really get excited about that - seeing you kids often, I mean.  But I guess I'd better wait until you know for sure.

Your baby is about to be grown up and three years old - right?  (My babies have all got long legs, too.)  Give her a big kiss for me - I've got a package for her - it doesn't amount to much, beacuse there isn't much to choose from in Sandy, and that is the only place I ever go..."

Letter - Page 5

"...and you never get what you send for in the mail order catalgues any more.  I was in Portland 4 times in 1942 - took Dad Suckow to the Dr., went to see my Dad when he was sick, went to Milton's Aunt's funeral, and Christmas shopping.  It's impossible to get anyone to take care of the kids or the cows, so we just stay here, and do it.  I guess it's easier than killing [reference to WWII Pacific theater enemy] at that.

"Im getting no place fast in this letter - I started out wishing Baby Ann 'Happy Birthday' and ending up shooting [reference to WWII Pacific theater enemy].  What I meant to say, was I'm not going to mail her packaging for a few days because I'm going to send..." 

Letter - Page 6

" some junk Judy has outgrown and I want t fix some if it up a little.

This letter doesn't make sense - and after me being so very slow getting around to writing it.  Og yes - I meant to tell you - we had about 25" of snow - Had to use horses and sled for 2 weeks.  The road was open, excepting about 5 days, be we couldn't get to it - not even with the tractor.  The snow was too deep for the kids to play in very much.  They just fell around.

Well, thanks for Xmas presents, happy birthday to Barby Ann, and I am excited that the prospect of your coming to Portland.

Love from us all -

Envelope - Reverse

When I was scanning the letter and envelope to post on the blog, I notice that Margaret Upton Waning - List Maker Extraordinaire - had written on the back of the envelope as follows:

  • "1. Clean up (bath) M,W, Sat
  • 2. letters M,W,F or Cook T, Th, Sat
  • 3. outside
  • 4. extras (read - visit - sew & etc)"

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