Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Summer 1942 - The Accident - A Letter From Janet McAdam Waning

In August Jim's mother sent off another letter..


Letter - Page 1

"Dexter, Oregon
Aug - 10th - 1942

Dear Jimmie -

Your card rec'd OK - and was sorry Billy & I didn't go to Eugene too for it was so wet this morning they didn't thresh so he didn't have to go this PM - but he did a little stroke of business anyway.  I had him take me to see about canning sugar Mrs Guy Lews - across from Bill Rousche (?) is our head quarters & Billy wanted to see Bill about when they'd be here & Shunnaman about helping - so I did fine with sugar & I got 26# on Newman's card also - I'll tell you about it later - I've seen her before but didn't know who she was - She was smoking & a cup of coffee on the table & between puffs she's take a sip - She has lovely flowers, so Billy had to wait a few minutes while she explained the origin of some of them - She has some fine varieties of dahlias & wonderful glads - some white ones that are fine - so large & perfect - Then on we went to Shunneman's Bill R wasn't home so Billy tho't he was up at the machine - but he wasn't there - but we visited an hour or more with them..." 

Letter - Page 2

"...She told me of her son's death - said he was sick Thurs & Fri but his boss lived right beside him in Eugene, didn't call them till Saturday - he was unconscious then & never regained consciousness - He was subject to spells like epileptic fits - nurse told her he had 5 one after another - Dr Dale attended him - They disposed of his house & lot & that took care of the funeral expenses - While there Jackie Lewis came for her to come at 2pm as mother wanted to go to town - She has been helping there ever since Bettie Brown quit, 11 mos now.  She says Dickie is quite spoiled, Jackie is quite grown up - but Eugene is a bad one to have his own way - She likes her work & likes Mrs Hicks - Says Dick Whitman (nephew) is playing ball with the New York Yankees - I think - but it might be Brooklyn Dodgers - However he is in a big money team.
My Jim, I bet it feels good to get those stiff soxes off your legs - Newman said you were having a time cleaning the stickum off - It sounds like you are gaining anyway - That will be such a relief to have your legs free again - Too bad about Ellen hurt herself - I hope nothing bad - It would hurt her dignity too & Barbra taking it all in - She..."   

Letter- Page 3

"...isn't old enough to let such things scare her -  The Park Co paper told of a bad hailstorm thru sections of Shields Valley - Hit Oscar Olson - Three Metiers - Jake Jones boy's crop & some just cleaned out round Clyde Park just beginning to combine - That's what gets the farmer's goat - That's pretty tuff, Your years work shot in a few minutes - A big trout fishing contest last Sunday there suppose Tom Stachwick or Leonard Green tried their luck - $1000 for the largest one caught.  If Tom got that he could get married right quick - maybe? 
I would like to write to Waldo & I must for Ella sent his address - oh yes & it's on that letter I sent you & said you needn't return - I just now tho't of that so do have the one with his address - I should have taken it down - but just didn't , so do save it - I have some quite pretty salmon with cream throat glads and every time I look at them I wish I could get a bouquet to you - but will just have to wait & see what's in bloom when I can go my self & take them.  The salmon & white roses have been..."
Letter - Page 4

"...nice too - I look at the pretty buds suitable for cutting - but that's the best I can do - The men won't bother with them - Well I may get in - for I'll have to get a hat before rainy season starts, I don't like to go bare headed in the rain - I'm not Oregonian enough for that & I've still got my card & hat money in my purse.
A cattle buyer is to be up tomorrow - Cattle are not selling so high except to beef kind.  Guess I told you Mr Stone had sold his cream route & truck to a Jack Stalling - Young chap - has worked at West Fir for 7 yrs.  Not much cream to pick up now & I think not so much at the best - for some have sold off their cows.  Mr Stone expected to be called to work in training camp work - Well I've come a long way before taking up your question of wanting Marg't to help he - That would be fine - but I didn't ask her because I tho't she was pretty busy as it is - We won't thresh until Thurs or Fri - if the weather is good or stays good - There's 1/2 a day at the Shunneman place & Pinkstons - Then to Lews & then some for Axtell on the Billy Cruzon place & here - It will be about Fri I'd judge - Billy has had a toothache for a few days - quite bad - Well food night - Love to you all from - Mom"    

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