Thursday, September 1, 2011

May 1943 - A Letter From Grover Hall


May of 1943 brought a letter from Grover C. Hall - Ellen's husband.  From the address he is in Los Angeles, and as a member of the military able to "Frank" his mail - sent it without a stamp. 

Letter - Page 1
"May 9, 1943
Station Hospital
Sawtelle, Calif.

Hello Everyone:

You think you have been busy, you ought to see my trying to fight off these army nurses.  Some of them are mean & they are trying to poke pills and all kinds of junk down me, while the nice ones are trying to get closer just to talk things over.

Yes the big he man Grover has got the measles.  I was dead on my feet Friday & Sat.  All day Sunday I couldn't do a thing.  I just layed on the bed almost all day.  Ellen was reading to me and changing the cloth on my head I made it through until Monday morning.  I had a fever of 102 even after I was well.  Well in less time than it takes to tell it I was out here in Sawtelle.  Well I will leave tomorrow or Monday.  If Ellen doesn't get the measles now she never will.

I just received a letter from Ellen, she said she felt bad had a headache etc, & felt like she was getting the measles.  I hope she isn't but afraid she is.  There is no pain if you stop & go to bed.  She will get a good rest.  Nothing has made me feel bad since I have been in here.  I just wouldn't go to sick bay.  I will write & tell her she better go to a hospital.

Well it looks as if this war will be..."

Letter - Page 2

"...over in about 2 years.  I don't think it will last over that.  I hope not anyway. 

We have some busy week ends planned, that is if we can ever get together.  Today is our fourth anniversary and here I am in a hospital and Elle n is ready for the hosp.

How does Jim like his new job?  I know he will do well in it.  I bet Barbie is a big girl, she gave us a very bad time.  I suppose you heard about it.  Ellen & I were in the front room one morning & I had my arms around Ellen, both of them in fact & Barbie saw us and into the kitchen where Mrs. Upton was.  She said, Grand Mother what is Grover holding Aunt Ellen for!  I thought I would die, and right then I wished I could.  She never came out for sometime then she (Barbie) gave me some mean looks.  I hope she is over it by now.  I also hope O.D. and Mrs Upton won't cut my throat if & when I were to see them.  Jim felt sorry for me because he knew what I was going through that afternoon & night.  Believe me it was way hard on me.  She is worth going through it a hundred times.  We are having just one big time of course we don't see each other as often and as long as we would like.  I am (over)..."   

Letter - Page 3

"...changing shifts when I go back.  I am going to change to the A Shift.  rise up at 04:00 breakfast at 05:00 school at 06:00 till 15:00 PT from 15:00 till 16:00 chow at 17:00 then we are free until 22:00 bed check.  (Got all mixed up on my time) Sat nights & Sun until 22:00 I'm off. 

Of yes.  I have only pulled K.P. twice.  All I can say for it that it is a very long day.  When you say I might make the best cook you either don't know your sister or you do it's one of the two.  If you know what I mean, but for heaven's sake don't tell her that.  If you do you will no longer have a brother-in-law.  He will be dead. (Very poor pun).

Here I am letters all over my bed & the nurse is bring my chow.  Oh OH I don't like the gleam in her eyes.  So long.

As ever,

P.S. I'll lay you odds I don't spell your name right, but I hope you get it.  Write soon, but not to the hospital I won't be in here forever. (I hope)."

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